FC Porto to Safeguard Club Ownership and Avoid Investor Control

  1. FC Porto to propose changes to statutes to maintain majority ownership
  2. rejection of investment proposals in SAD
  3. aim to keep club in hands of members
  4. new statutes to be examined by Superior Council and approved at Extraordinary General Assembly.

The management of FC Porto is taking steps to protect the club from potential risks and prevent it from falling into the hands of investors. They are preparing to present a proposal to amend the statutes at the upcoming Extraordinary General Assembly. The aim is to guarantee that the club will always maintain a majority shareholding, regardless of any new investments that may come in.

According to the newspaper O Jogo, the fourth point of Article 7 of the statutes states: 'never waiving the rights and obligations associated with the aforementioned participation'. Fernando Gomes, the club's financial administrator, stated in an interview with the same source on Tuesday that proposals for investment in the club's SAD had been rejected. 'It is not on the table,' he said. Pinto da Costa aims to ensure that the club remains in the hands of its members.

The new statutes will be examined this week by the Superior Council and will have to be approved at the Extraordinary General Assembly. The proposal was the responsibility of a working group that was created for this purpose.

Anselmi lamenta empate do FC Porto com Vitória de Guimarães na Liga

  1. Anselmi lamenta desperdício de pontos do FC Porto contra o Vitória de Guimarães
  2. Treinador reconhece necessidade de corrigir aspetos como a perda de bola em zonas de transição e durante o ataque
  3. Anselmi elogia estreia de Tomás Pérez como terceiro central e lamenta não ter conseguido a vitória para os adeptos
  4. Técnico argentino admite que a equipa talvez tenha de ser "mais inteligente" na forma como defende com bola

Anselmi elogia Fábio Vieira após empate do FC Porto

  1. Fábio Vieira marcou o golo do FC Porto no empate 1-1 com o Vitória de Guimarães
  2. Martín Anselmi elogiou a importância de Fábio Vieira para a equipa
  3. Anselmi disse que Fábio Vieira «sabe o que é representar esta camisola»
  4. Anselmi afirmou que Fábio Vieira «dá sempre tudo» e é «pessoa muito importante para o grupo»